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Oportunidades de empleo

En el Centro de Artes Terapéuticas Infantiles del Condado de Orange (OCCTAC), estamos comprometidos a generar un impacto positivo en las vidas de los niños, los jóvenes prometedores, los adultos y las familias de nuestra comunidad. Si le apasiona nuestra misión y desea unirse a un equipo dinámico dedicado a transformar vidas a través de programas innovadores, artísticos, educativos y terapéuticos, lo invitamos a explorar nuestras oportunidades de empleo.

Puesto de trabajo: Instructor de ukelele

Ubicación: Santa Ana, California

Horario: 6 a 12 horas semanales

Compensación: $25.00 - $28.00 por hora


Descripción del puesto: Buscamos un instructor de ukelele apasionado y con experiencia para unirse a nuestro equipo. El instructor de ukelele será responsable de impartir clases de música a los estudiantes, enfocándose en desarrollar confianza, habilidades sociales y dominio musical a través de la práctica de interpretación. Esta función implica desarrollar e implementar planes de lecciones que se alineen con los estándares del plan de estudios y atiendan los diversos niveles de habilidades de los estudiantes.


  1. Lleve a cabo clases de música interesantes e interactivas para los estudiantes, enfatizando los fundamentos de tocar el ukelele.

  2. Desarrollar planes de lecciones integrales que incorporen una variedad de métodos de enseñanza para adaptarse a diferentes estilos de aprendizaje.

  3. Proporcionar instrucción individualizada y comentarios constructivos a los estudiantes para ayudarlos a mejorar sus técnicas y musicalidad del ukelele.

  4. Fomentar un ambiente de aprendizaje positivo e inclusivo donde los estudiantes se sientan apoyados y animados a explorar su creatividad.

  5. Introducir a los estudiantes a una amplia gama de estilos y géneros musicales, fomentando el aprecio por la diversidad musical y el patrimonio cultural.

  6. Incorpore tecnología en las lecciones, utilizando videos, grabaciones de audio y otros recursos multimedia para mejorar la experiencia de aprendizaje.


  1. Licenciatura en música, especialidad musical actual o experiencia equivalente.

  2. Trayectoria contrastada como profesor de música.

  3. Excepcionales habilidades interpersonales y de comunicación.

  4. Capacidad para cultivar un ambiente de aprendizaje positivo e inclusivo.

  5. Pasión por la educación artística y dedicación a fomentar la creatividad de los estudiantes.

Procedimientos de aplicación:

Para consultas o para enviar su solicitud, comuníquese con: Randy Ruiz, MFA
Coordinadora de Ukelele/Instructora de Producción de Vídeo
T: 714-547-5468
Correo electrónico:

Puesto de Trabajo: Administrador de Casos del Programa de Mentoría Familiar

Ubicación: Santa Ana, California

Horario: 10 a 25 horas semanales

Compensación: $15.00 - $20.00 por hora (Dependiendo de la experiencia)


Descripción del puesto: El Programa de apoyo a la tutoría familiar de OCCTAC está diseñado para brindar asistencia y tutoría a personas y familias con discapacidades. El programa tiene como objetivo capacitar a los cuidadores con conocimientos, habilidades y sistemas de apoyo para que se conviertan en defensores eficaces de sus familias, lo que conducirá a una mejor calidad de vida. El objetivo es ofrecer apoyo, confianza y esperanza, permitiendo a los cuidadores crear un futuro mejor para los jóvenes con discapacidades, ayudándolos a alcanzar su máximo potencial.



  1. Registros de clientes: revise los registros y archivos de los clientes manteniendo la confidencialidad.

  2. Compromiso con el cliente: establezca una buena relación con los clientes a través de llamadas telefónicas e interacciones en persona.

  3. Visitas domiciliarias: reunirse con los clientes durante las visitas domiciliarias para evaluar sus necesidades y hacer un seguimiento del estado del cliente.

  4. Recopilación de recursos: recopile recursos y referencias basados en las necesidades para los clientes.

  5. Servicios familiares: recomendar servicios familiares que se alineen con las necesidades de los clientes.

  6. Informes: prepare informes recopilando, resumiendo los resultados y documentando el progreso del cliente.

  7. Cumplimiento de HIPAA: garantice el cumplimiento de los componentes de HIPAA (Ley de Responsabilidad y Portabilidad de Seguros Médicos).

  8. Deberes adicionales: Realizar otras tareas asignadas por el supervisor.


  1. Microsoft Office: Dominio de Excel y conocimientos previos de Microsoft Office.

  2. Comunicación: Habilidades eficientes de comunicación verbal y escrita.

  3. Habilidades bilingües: Se prefiere bilingüe en inglés y español.

  4. Verificación de antecedentes: debe completar y tener un estado limpio para las pruebas LiveScan y TB.

  5. Horas semanales: debe estar disponible para trabajar un mínimo de 15 a 20 horas a la semana.

Procedimientos de aplicación:

Envíe su currículum y carta de presentación a Janett Merino a .

Para consultas sobre esta oferta de trabajo, comuníquese con:

  • Janeth Merino

  • Coordinadora del Programa de Mentoría Familiar

  • Correo electrónico:

Si está interesado en este puesto, siga el procedimiento de solicitud proporcionado para enviar su currículum y carta de presentación.

Puesto de Trabajo: Tutor

Ubicación: Santa Ana, California

Compensación: $17.00 por hora (o más, dependiendo de las calificaciones)

Descripción del puesto: OCCTAC actualmente está buscando tutores para unirse a su equipo como tutores integrales. En esta función, los tutores tienen la oportunidad de trabajar con jóvenes recomendados por el Condado de Orange. El objetivo principal es brindar apoyo y orientación educativa a los estudiantes, especialmente aquellos que enfrentan desafíos emocionales y de comportamiento.



  1. Transporte: Debe tener su propio transporte con licencia de conducir de California vigente y seguro de automóvil.

  2. Habilidades de comunicación: Excelentes habilidades de comunicación y escritura.

  3. Experiencia: Experiencia trabajando con estudiantes cultural y lingüísticamente diversos.

  4. Niveles de grado: Experiencia trabajando con estudiantes de 1.º a 12.º grado.

  5. Desafíos de comportamiento: capacidad para trabajar con jóvenes que presentan desafíos emocionales y de comportamiento.

  6. Conocimiento de la materia: Experiencia en la enseñanza de materias como Matemáticas, Ciencias, Historia e Inglés.

  7. Habilidades bilingües: Se prefiere el bilingüismo español/inglés, pero no es necesario.

Procedimientos de aplicación:

Para consultas sobre esta oferta de trabajo, comuníquese con:

  • katie cruz

  • Correo electrónico:

  • Teléfono: (714) 547-5468 Ext. 305

Job Position: Fund Development Coordinator

Supervisor: Founder and Executive Director
Full-time or Part-time: Full-time, 40 hours/week
Exempt/Non-exempt: Non-exempt


Purpose of the Position:
Reporting to the Founder and Executive Director, the Fund Development Coordinator plays a crucial role in the success of fund development activities at OCCTAC. This role involves developing, coordinating, and measuring donor relationships and stewardship methods and services. The Coordinator also supports OCCTAC's marketing and communication activities to enhance donor relations and assists with development initiatives involving the Board of Directors, Executive Director, staff, donors, and sponsors.


The Fund Development Coordinator should possess strong organizational skills, the ability to anticipate project needs, prioritize tasks effectively, and meet deadlines. They should also thrive in a dynamic environment, demonstrating self-initiative, adaptability, and the capacity to manage multiple projects simultaneously, while collaborating with internal and external team members.

Primary Responsibilities:
*Note: The following list outlines essential duties and responsibilities, but additional tasks may be assigned as needed.

  1.  Work collaboratively with the Executive Director to implement the Annual Fundraising Strategy.

  2. Assist in the implementation of stewardship, cultivation, and solicitation strategies.

  3. Collaborate with the Marketing team to identify and promote giving opportunities.

  4. Engage with both internal and external stakeholders to support event coordination and fund development activities.

  5. Craft written donor correspondences, including donor acknowledgment letter templates, email updates, and impact statements based on provided data and anecdotes.

  6. Participate in the development and maintenance of the fund development budget.

  7. Provide reports on statistical analysis, metrics, and measurements related to fund development projects and activities.

  8. Ensure the effective administration and coordination of donation processing, receipting, acknowledgment, and pledge management, adhering to donor management processes.

  9. 9. Create, maintain, and execute queries and reports to track fundraising progress and campaign outcomes.

  10. Assist in developing and maintaining new initiatives aimed at increasing revenue and expanding OCCTAC's brand reach and exposure.

  11. Perform other duties as assigned by the Executive Director to support the organization's work.


Skills & Qualifications:

  • A post-secondary degree or an equivalent combination of education, experience, and knowledge of the charitable sector. Education or experience in fundraising, communications, public relations, or a related field is desired.

  • A minimum of 2 years of related work experience in fund development, preferably within a non-profit setting, or in a customer service role. Knowledge of major gifts, legacy giving, and/or relationship management is a strong asset.

  • Exceptionally strong verbal and written communication skills are required to build effective relationships with a diverse range of stakeholders, including staff, donors, board members, volunteers, and local and virtual communities.

  • Strong teamwork, interpersonal, problem-solving, and facilitation skills.

  • Strong analytical and project management skills.

  • Proficiency in working with a customer relationship management tool (CRM) and intermediate-level knowledge of Microsoft Office 365.

  • Demonstrated self-discipline and self-motivation, with the ability to work with minimal supervision.

  • Strong ethical character when handling donations and managing confidential financial and relational information.

  • Flexibility to work occasional evenings/weekends as needed for donor or committee meetings, key events, and other priority activities.

  • Access to a personal vehicle, valid driver’s license, and insurance.


This is a full-time, salaried position, with an anticipated starting salary in the range of $46,000 - $50,000, depending on qualifications.


Work Environment:

  • Collaborative, supportive, and community-focused work culture.

  • Hybrid work model – Employees work both on-site and remotely, with in-office and in-person connections expected, subject to adherence to Public Health safety guidelines.


Application Process:
Please send your resume and cover letter to Bryan Morga:


Puesto de trabajo: Recepcionista de recepción

Ubicación: Santa Ana, California

Tipo: Tiempo parcial

Horas laborales:

  • Lunes a viernes: 14:00 - 20:00

  • Sábado: 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. (algunos sábados)

Compensación: $15-$18 POR HORA, Dependiendo de la Experiencia (DOE)


Descripción del puesto: El Centro de Artes Terapéuticas Infantiles del Condado de Orange (OCCTAC) en Santa Ana, California, está buscando un recepcionista de recepción a tiempo parcial. El candidato ideal debe tener experiencia previa en atención al cliente, atención de llamadas telefónicas y gestión de tareas administrativas.


  1. Puntualidad: Llegar puntualmente a los turnos programados.

  2. Actitud Profesional: Mantener una conducta amigable y profesional al interactuar con los clientes y el público.

  3. Construcción de relaciones: Establecer y mantener relaciones positivas con el personal de OCCTAC.

  4. Trámites: Responsable de completar los trámites de oficina necesarios.

  5. Participación en reuniones: asistir a reuniones relacionadas con las responsabilidades de la recepción.

  6. Trabajo en equipo: colaborar eficazmente dentro de un equipo y trabajar de forma independiente cuando sea necesario.

  7. Enfoque Proactivo: Mantener una actitud positiva, proactiva y flexible, mostrando iniciativa en los proyectos y la planificación.


  1. Habilidades de comunicación: demostrar excelentes habilidades de comunicación oral y escrita en inglés.

  2. Dominio de la informática: se siente cómodo utilizando programas informáticos básicos de oficina, como Microsoft Word, Excel, Google Docs y Apps.

  3. Bilingue: Se requiere dominio de inglés y español.

  4. Verificación de antecedentes: debe poder pasar una verificación de antecedentes de Live Scan y proporcionar resultados negativos de una prueba de tuberculosis.

  5. Interacción pública: Ser capaz de trabajar bien con el público y el personal de OCCTAC.

  6. Licencia de conducir: Poseer una licencia de conducir de California vigente.

  7. Gestión del tiempo: capacidad para trabajar de forma independiente, bajo presión y gestionar múltiples proyectos simultáneamente.

  8. Resolución de problemas: Aborde las tareas con una actitud positiva, flexibilidad y mentalidad de resolución de problemas.

Empleador de igualdad de oportunidades:

OCCTAC es un empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades y no discrimina por motivos de raza, etnia, religión, género, edad, discapacidad física u orientación sexual. La organización cumple con todas las pautas de EEO y ADA.

Si está interesado en este puesto, comuníquese con Bryan Morga:


Job Position: Ukulele/Guitar & Violin/Viola Instructor

Location: Santa Ana, California

Type: Part-Time

Work Hours: Monday to Friday, 2:30 PM - 6:00 PM

Compensation: $25.00 - $28.00 per hour, Depending on Experience (DOE)


Job Description: OCCTAC, located in Santa Ana, California, is seeking teaching artists for a part-time position in their music department, specifically for the classical strings department, covering instruments like ukulele, guitar, violin, and viola. Knowledge of teaching beginning cello is considered a plus. The ideal candidates should be experienced musicians capable of working with children and teaching to VAPA (Visual and Performing Arts) standards.



  1. School Assignments: Instructors will be assigned to a school or site within the Santa Ana Unified School District to conduct classes.

  2. Performance Preparation: The primary goal is to prepare students for a cumulative musical performance at the end of each semester.

  3. Punctuality: Consistency and punctuality in following the assigned schedule are crucial.

  4. Instruction: Provide instruction to elementary through intermediate school-aged students.

  5. Relationship Building: Build and maintain professional relationships with SAUSD staff.

  6. Classroom Management: Strong classroom management skills are essential.

  7. Documentation: Be responsible for required paperwork such as attendance and time sheets.

  8. Lesson Preparation: Organize all materials for each lesson in advance and transport them to and from the center with the assistance of the program coordinator.

  9. Emotional Intelligence: Demonstrate a high level of emotional intelligence when communicating with both students and adults.

  10. Meetings and Professional Development: Attend bimonthly music department meetings and professional development sessions as required.

  11. Adaptation: Adjust lesson plans to accommodate different learning abilities.


  1. Passion for Music Education: A clear desire to positively influence students' cultural, emotional, mental, and physical development through music and the arts.

  2. Local Residency: Preferably a local resident in Santa Ana or the surrounding area.

  3. Education: Hold a Bachelor’s degree in music education, performance, or equivalent degree and have experience teaching music in their area of expertise.

  4. Curriculum Experience: Preferably have experience implementing arts-based curriculum to children in a structured learning environment (K-5 especially).

  5. Communication Skills: Demonstrate excellent written and oral communication skills in English.

  6. Computer Proficiency: Comfortable using basic office computer programs such as Microsoft Word, Excel, Google Docs, and Apps.

  7. Bilingual Skills: Spanish proficiency is a plus.

  8. MTAC Member: Being a Student Member of MTAC (Music Teachers' Association of California) or having knowledge of the Certificate of Merit program is a plus.

  9. Background Check: Must be able to pass a Live Scan background check and provide negative results from a TB test.

  10. Teaching Experience: Minimum of 2 years of experience in teaching strings to children. Must be able to instruct in both group and private settings with a range of beginning to early advanced students.

  11. Standards Familiarity: Familiarity with the VAPA and Common Core Standards for education is a plus.

  12. Youth Engagement: Experience working with at-risk and underserved youth.

  13. Team Player: Ability to work well with the public and OCCTAC staff.

  14. Diversity Commitment: A commitment to diversity and a proven ability to work effectively with individuals from diverse backgrounds.

  15. Driver's License: Have a current California Driver’s license.

  16. Time Management: Ability to effectively manage multiple complex functions and achieve goals and objectives set by program standards and expectations.

  17. Independence: Capability to work independently, under pressure, and handle multiple projects simultaneously.

  18. Problem Solving: Maintain a positive attitude, flexibility, and a problem-solving mentality.

Application Procedures:

Please email your resume and cover letter and direct all questions to:​

Job Position: Dance Instructors (Ballet, Contemporary, Lyrical, and Hip Hop)

Location: Santa Ana, California

Type: Part-Time

Work Hours: 5 to 12 hours per week

Compensation: $25.00 - $28.00 per hour, Depending on Experience (DOE)


Job Description: OCCTAC in Santa Ana, California, is seeking Dance Instructors for various disciplines, including Ballet, Contemporary, Lyrical, and Hip Hop. The instructors will be responsible for teaching entry-level dance, technique, and creative movement choreography to inspire a love and excitement for dance in students aged 10 to 18.



  1. Teaching: Provide instruction to students aged 10 to 18, focusing on entry-level dance, technique, and creative movement choreography.

  2. Punctuality: Maintain punctuality in all responsibilities.

  3. Relationship Building: Develop and maintain professional and positive relationships with the team.

  4. Classroom Management: Strong classroom management skills are essential.

  5. Documentation: Be accountable for paperwork as required by program administration.

  6. Emotional Intelligence: Demonstrate a high level of emotional intelligence when communicating with both students and adults.

  7. Professional Development: Attend monthly Professional Development sessions.

  8. Adaptation: Adjust lesson plans to accommodate different learning abilities.

  9. Team Player: Work collaboratively and cooperatively within a team as well as independently.

  10. Positive Attitude: Maintain a positive 'can do' attitude, be proactive, flexible, and show initiative with projects, planning, and all activities related to this position.


  1. Education: Hold a bachelor’s degree in dance.

  2. Active Dance Practice: Have an active dance practice.

  3. Curriculum Experience: Have experience implementing arts-based curriculum for children in a structured learning environment.

  4. Communication Skills: Demonstrate excellent written and oral communication skills in English.

  5. Computer Proficiency: Be comfortable using basic office computer programs such as Microsoft Word, Excel, Google Docs, and Apps.

  6. Bilingual Skills: Spanish proficiency is a plus.

  7. Transportation: Must have a car for travel.

  8. Background Check: Must be able to pass a Live Scan background check and provide negative results from a TB test.

  9. Teaching Experience: Minimum of 1 year of experience in teaching arts to children.

  10. Standards Familiarity: Familiarity with the VAPA (Visual and Performing Arts) and Common Core Standards for education. The successful candidate will learn these VAPA standards for theater.

  11. Youth Engagement: Experience working with at-risk and underserved youth.

  12. Teamwork: Work well with the public and OCCTAC staff.

  13. Diversity Commitment: Have a commitment to diversity and a proven ability to work effectively with individuals from diverse backgrounds.

  14. Driver's License: Have a current California Driver’s license.

  15. Time Management: Be able to effectively manage multiple complex functions and achieve goals and objectives.

  16. Independence: Be able to work independently, under pressure, and handle multiple projects simultaneously.

  17. Problem Solving: Possess a positive attitude, flexibility, and a problem-solving mentality.

Application Procedures:

Please email your resume and cover letter and direct all questions to:

​Carlos Beltran
Director of Arts Education
T: 714-547-5468 ext. 303


For inquiries on this job opening, please contact ​Carlos Beltran, Director of Arts Education, using the provided contact information. If you are interested in this position, please follow the provided application procedures to submit your resume and cover letter.


Job Position: Visual Arts Teaching Artists

Location: Santa Ana, California

Type: Substitute teacher on an as-needed basis, with the possibility of becoming a full-time Lead Artist

Work Hours: 5 to 12 hours per week

Compensation: $20.00 - $25.00 per hour, Depending on Experience (DOE)


Job Description: OCCTAC in Santa Ana, California, is seeking Visual Arts Teaching Artists to work in partnership with the Santa Ana Unified School District. Teaching artists will be responsible for providing visual arts instruction to elementary and intermediate school students as part of the Extended Learning Program. This role involves nurturing creativity and adhering to VAPA (Visual and Performing Arts) standards.



  1. Punctuality: Maintain punctuality in all responsibilities.

  2. Teaching: Provide instruction for primary and intermediate school students on public school campuses.

  3. Relationship Building: Nurture and maintain professional and positive relationships with district staff.

  4. Classroom Management: Strong classroom management skills are essential.

  5. Documentation: Be accountable for paperwork as required by the program administration.

  6. Material Organization: Organize all materials for each lesson ahead of time and transport all materials to and from school.

  7. Emotional Intelligence: Demonstrate a high level of emotional intelligence when communicating with both students and adults.

  8. Professional Development: Attend monthly Professional Development sessions.

  9. Adaptation: Adjust lesson plans to accommodate different learning abilities.

  10. Teamwork: Ability to work collaboratively and cooperatively within a team as well as independently.

  11. Positive Attitude: Maintain a positive "can-do" attitude, be proactive, flexible, and show initiative with projects, planning, and all activities related to this position.


  1. Preferred Qualifications: One or all of the following is preferred:

  2. Behavior Technician

  3. Certificate in Special Education

  4. Experience with students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

  5. Education: Hold a Bachelor’s degree in education or art.

  6. Artistic Practice: Have an active artistic practice.

  7. Curriculum Experience: Have experience implementing an arts-based curriculum for children in a structured learning environment, especially for grades K-5.

  8. Communication Skills: Demonstrate excellent written and oral communication skills in English.

  9. Computer Proficiency: Be comfortable using basic office computer programs such as Microsoft Word, Excel, Google Docs, and Apps.

  10. Bilingual Skills: Spanish proficiency is a plus.

  11. Transportation: Must have a car for travel to and from the office site and various school sites.

  12. Background Check: Must be able to pass a LiveScan background check and provide negative results from a TB test.

  13. Teaching Experience: Minimum of 2 years of experience in teaching arts to children.

  14. Standards Familiarity: Familiarity with the VAPA and Common Core Standards for education.

  15. Youth Engagement: Experience working with at-risk and underserved youth.

  16. Teamwork: Work well with the public and OCCTAC staff.

  17. Diversity Commitment: Have a commitment to diversity and a proven ability to work effectively with individuals from diverse backgrounds.

  18. Driver's License: Have a current California Driver’s license.

  19. Time Management: Be able to effectively manage multiple complex functions and achieve goals and objectives.

  20. Independence: Be able to work independently, under pressure, and handle multiple projects simultaneously.

  21. Problem Solving: Possess a positive attitude, flexibility, and a problem-solving mentality.

21st Century Learning Qualifications:

  • Well-versed in Online Group Communication using platforms like Zoom, Google Meet, Blue Jean, or Facebook Live Applications.

  • Capable of using a laptop or tablet with current operating systems to handle group meet-up applications.

  • Video content creation skills are valuable.

  • Stable, high-speed internet connection capable of streaming live video for "Share Screen" instruction.

  • Dynamic personality to engage students during online lectures.

  • Effective time management to deliver curriculum efficiently over a limited duration of time.

Work Schedule:

Substitute teacher on an as-needed basis, with the possibility to turn into a full-time Lead Artist position for the right person.

Application Procedures:

Please email your resume and cover letter and direct all questions to:

For inquiries on this job opening, please contact Mark Dimalanta, SAUSD & Arts Enrichment Program Director, using the provided contact information. If you are interested in this position, please follow the provided application procedures to submit your resume and cover letter.

¿Listo para unirte a nuestro equipo?

Para enviar su solicitud completa e inscribirse en una sesión de orientación, contáctenos:

Bryan Morga

Asistente del Director Ejecutivo

T: 714-547-5468

Correo electrónico:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • YouTube
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